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Discovery and identification of a new neutral gauge boson in the e+e- channel with the ATLAS detector

Julien Morel

Many theories beyond the standard model predict the existence of a new massive neutral gauge boson called Z’. In this seminar, I will discuss the discovery and identification of such a Z’ with the ATLAS detector in the e+e- channel. First, I will review the different studied theoretical Z’ models coming from Grand Unified Theories and Extra-dimension scenarios. In a second part, I will show, using realistic detector parameterization, that the ATLAS discovery potential is very optimistic. Finally, I will discuss how to infer the underlying theory from a hoped Z’ discovery.

Lundi, 23 Décembre, 2013 - 15:30
Lieu de Séminaire: 
Room 104, Pavillon René JA Lévesque

Groupe de Physique des particules
​Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville,
Montréal, QC H3C 3J7
Tél : 514-343-5607
Fax : 514-343-7357